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of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Past Exalted Ruler of years as a member of the Helena Chamber of Commerce.
Elks, and the Woodmen of the World. He was treasurer of the Central Committee of the
Republican State Party and corresponding treasurer of
The Jews of Helena organized their own philanthropic Ǥ ͙͚ǡ ͙͟͠͞ǡ
society, the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Sol Star 19, 1867, Moses Morris and his brother registered ten
Benevolent Association at Helena. The association the Morris brothers preferred commerce over mining but
provided opportunities for socializing with their Jewish continued investing their capital in the mining industry.
neighbors and expanding their charitable activities By the late 1860s, Jews were participating in organizing
͛͘ǡ ͙͚͟͠ǡ companies and corporations to extract gold on a larger
Fire Department was established, and several Jewish scale.
men, including Sam Schwab and Sol Star, volunteered
their services. Star also served as a member of the Board He was a distinguished part of Helena, serving several
Ǥ Ǥ ƥ
͙͚͟͠Ǧ͙͟͜͠Ǥ member of the Board of Trustees of the Montana Masonic
Star received another political appointment in 1874 as Home. After his retirement, he continued to be active in
Territorial Auditor for the Commonwealth of Montana the community by visiting the sick and people in distress,
and served two years. He also served as the personal visiting hospitals daily, comforting the bereaved, and
Seth Bullock. Bullock was also a Mason and member of president of the United Hebrew Benevolent Association
Ǥ ͡ Ƥ ơ and an active member of the Emanu-El Congregation.
and Clark County, Montana. They owned a Mercantile
business in Helena. Star was also active in the banking His Masonic journey began when he was raised by
sector in Helena. While in Helena, he was known as one Cornelius Hedges to the sublime degree of a Master
of its most respected and dependable citizens. ͚͙ǡ ͙͠͞͞ǡ Ǥ ͛Ǥ
December 1866, he was appointed as Senior Deacon.
Sol Star moved to Deadwood, South Dakota, with his Ǥ ͛ ͙͟͠͞
business associate Seth Bullock, they operated several ǯ Ǥ ͡Ǥ
businesses. Star continued his public service serving as Worshipful Master for fourteen years. He was able to give
Mayor of Deadwood for fourteen years and was one of any degree or lecture at a moment’s notice. He entered
͙͟͠͞ ƥ
organized. He later served as a legislator after statehood. ͙͘͟͠Ǥ ͙͙͟͠Ǣ
͙͟͟͠ǡ ͙͠͠͝ǡ
was elected Clerk of Court for sixteen years. In 1879 he ͙͠͠͡Ǣ ͙͙͠͡
served as Postmaster. Sol Star and Seth Bullock opened Ǣ ͙͚͠͡ǡ
a hardware store (Star & Bullock Hardware). They dealt Ǥ ƤǦ
Ǥ ǡ
ǯ Ƥ ǡ
Ǥ he was a member of the Scottish Rite.
In 1896 the Hebrew Cemetery Association purchased In an act representative of his concern for his fellow
property on Deadwood’s Mt. Moriah. The section came man. In the early days, he responded to a call to visit a
to be known as “Hebrew Hill.” Star died in Deadwood on
10 October 1917, and his funeral took place in Deadwood. traveled three days by horse and sleigh in four feet of
ǡ snow, thirty below zero, making the return trip over
ǡ ǤΔǤ Mullen Pass with his deceased brother’s remains at the
risk of his own life. This kind of service and kindness
Moses Morris was born in 1844 in Seiny, duchy of bound him to hundreds of Montana masons. Moses
Posen, a Polish Provence under Prussian control. Morris ͠ǡ ͙͛͟͡ǡ
ninety-third year of his life. He was laid to rest at the
Saint Paul, Minnesota, for two years. In 1860, he followed
ǡ ǡ ǤΕǤ
ǡ ǡ ǡ
Kansas, to Denver, Colorado. In Denver, he opened a dry- Herman Solomon Hepner. “H. Sol” Hepner was born
goods store, and two years later, he followed a group ͚͝ǡ ͙͠͞͡ǡ ȋǡ Ȍǡ
Ǥ ͙͜͠͞ Russia. He attended government school and had the
ǯ Ǥ equivalent of a High School education at age thirteen. In
In 1865 he and his brother opened a mercantile business 1882 Sol Hepner’s father brought the family to Helena,
in Helena, Montana. Morris invested in real estate, Montana, where he operated a drygoods store. Sol did
ǡ Ǥ ͙͟͠͞ǡ Ƥ not speak English at the time of his departure from
home in Helena. He also founded the electric light and Ǥ ͙͠͠͝ǡ
street railway companies in Helena. Morris spent nine Helena High School. Hepner was employed by Colonel