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The Trivium & Logical Fallacies

       You  will recall  from our  monitorial instruction  the   Logic (also dialectic) is the “mechanics” of thought and
     lesson about the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, and   analysis, the process of composing sound arguments and
     the third   ight in the ascent up the winding stairs, the   identifying fallacious arguments and statements and so
     seven steps, which are said to be: grammar, rhetoric, logic,   systematically removing contradictions, thereby producing
     arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.     e seven  factual knowledge that can be trusted.
     liberal arts and sciences were considered of signi  cance.                   -Source:
     In earlier times the instruction was limited to what was
     then called the Liberal Arts and Sciences and consisted of     One of the most important components of learning
     two branches, known as the Trivium and the Quadrivium.   …is academic discourse, which requires argumentation
        e Trivium included grammar, rhetoric, and logic, and   and debate. Argumentation and debate inevitably lend
     the Quadrivium comprehended arithmetic, geometry,      themselves to   awed reasoning and rhetorical errors. Many
     music and astronomy.    ese seven heads were supposed  of these errors are considered logical fallacies.
     to include universal knowledge-the knowledge of the      -Source: 15 Logical Fallacies You Should Know Before
     Trivium having furnished the scholar with the key to all   Getting into a Debate,    e Best Schools.
     language, and that of the Quadrivium having opened to
     him the secret laws of nature.                           A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning common
                                                            enough to warrant a fancy name. Knowing how to spot
       At a period when few were instructed in the Trivium, and  and identify fallacies is a priceless skill. It can save you
     very few studied the Quadrivium, to be master of both was   time,  money,  and personal dignity.     ere  are  two major
     su   cient to complete the character of the philosopher.    e  categories of logical fallacies, which in turn break down
     propriety, thereof, of adopting the seven liberal arts and   into a wide range of types of fallacies, each with their own
     sciences as a symbol of the completion of human learning   unique ways of trying to trick you into agreement.
     is apparent.    e candidate, having reached this point, has
     accomplished the task upon which he had entered-he has      ere are two types of fallacies:
     reached the last step, and is now ready to receive the full
     fruition  of  human learning.” …is  he,  is he really…some  Formal Fallacy – has true premises but may still have a
     have suggested that the fraternity today would do well to   false conclusion. Put another way – it is a breakdown in
     spend much more time studying and learning the Trivium   how you say something.    e ideas are somehow sequenced
     and Quadrivium.                                        incorrectly.    eir form is wrong, rendering the argument
                                                            as noise and nonsense.
       So, let us progress along this thought of discourse and what
     it means to the fraternity.  Discourse or communication,   Informal Fallacy – has a valid logical form and yet is
     or rather as Masons we should apply civil discourse. To  unsound  because  one  or  more  premises  are  false.  Put
     better understand the written and spoken word we need   another way – it denotes an error in what you are saying,
     to have a better understanding of how a topic is presented   that is, the content of your argument.    e ideas might
     through debate and argumentation and the fallacies  be arranged correctly, but something you said isn’t quite
     that most o  en accompany them.    is can be applied to  right.    e content is wrong or o  -kilter.
     many situations in Masonry, the family and or of course
     society. You may recognize the following fallacies from   It is important to understand what a logical fallacy is, not
     discussions with your spouse, children, Lodge Brothers,   only so you avoid making one yourself but also being able
     maybe during an Annual Communication the discourse     to spot them when others fall into the tramp of employing
     on proposed legislation as presented by the speakers both  one.    ey are o  en used to de  ect discussions away from
     for and against.                                       establishment of the truth. Logical fallacies are o  en
                                                            deployed consciously within the mainstream and social
       Logic is one of the seven liberal arts and sciences – which   media as a way of perpetuating an ideology or mistruth.
     as Masons we are reminded to study. Logic is part of the   People use logical fallacies every day, whether they
     Trivium  of  seven liberal arts  and sciences – partnered  understand they are doing it or not. (Learn to spot them).
     with Grammar and Rhetoric – we cannot have a reasoned
     debate without employing the Trivium:                       e following are some of the most used logical fallacies,
                                                            many of which can be further explored.
       Grammar teaches the mechanics of language to the
     student.    is is the step where the student “comes to   Circular Argument (petitio principii, meaning ‘Assuming
     terms”, de  ning the objects and information perceived by   the initial’; aka ‘begging the question’.    e reasoner begins
     the   ve senses. Hence, the Law of Identity: a tree is a tree,   with what they are trying to end with – a claim using the
     and not a cat.                                         conclusion as the premise.

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 7                                               Sept/Oct 2020   Volume 96 No. 5
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