Page 11 - Jan 2021 MFM.indd
P. 11

'Freemasonry provided a forum for social,  people could satisfy their entertainment needs at home
     commercial and political networking.'                  - and they did. Th  is has not just aff ected Freemasonry,
                                                            but all clubs and associations that rely on people going
       Eighteenth-century Masonic lodge meetings            out to be entertained.
       evolved to include education and entertainment.
                                                             - Ric Berman  Currently we are trying to rescue
                                                                   an eighteenth- century Masonic model
              Freemasonry was the right product                        for a twenty-fi rst-century world
              in the right place at the right time.
           Th  e marketing strategy was compelling.           In modern terminology, Freemasonry is sold on
                                                            FOMO, the Fear Of Missing Out. Freemasonry is, and
     Freemasonry Version 3                                  always has been, considered a society with secrets.
                                                            If you were not a member, you could not discover
       Th  is is the transition period from 1813 to the     or participate in these ancient secrets passed down
     present date -  a stabilization period. Th is transition   through the centuries. Th  e only way you will fi nd out
     period was initiated by the union of the two opposing   is if you join.
     English Grand Lodges.
                                                              Freemasonry is anxious to give of her secrets to
       Th  is version of Freemasonry launched with a global   worthy men fi t to receive them, but not all are
     standardization of the three Craft   degree  rituals,    worthy, and not all the worthy, seek.
     with the introduction of the 'Emulation workings'                                                                  - Carl H. Claudy
     and a carefully orchestrated 'leak' - Richard Carlile's
     Manual of Freemasonry set the standard.
                                                             Aft er  twenty-fi ve years membership of QCCC, the
                                                             next Masonic 'secret' I discover will be the fi rst.
       Th  ere was a shift  from lodges meeting in taverns                                                                   -Gerald Reilly
     and inns, to meeting in dedicated Masonic halls.
                                                              No matter how you look at Freemasonry v3, it is more
       In product life cycle terms - the continued take up   about the packaging than the delivery mechanism and
     - we saw the product mature in the fi rst half of the   almost nothing about the content.
     20th century, before a general decline in membership
     in the latter part of the 20th century and into the fi rst   Before I discuss Freemasonry Version 4, I would like
     quarter of the 21st.
                                                            to discuss another simile.
       'In the interest of the Brethern'
                                                 by Rudyard Kipling  Who remembers Blockbusters?

       Th  e Square Magazine published an article in the      Blockbuster   was    an    international  business
     December 2020 Issue by Rudyard Kipling - 'In the       established in renting out 'blockbuster fi lms.'  It was a
     Interest of the Brethren.' It was written by Kipling   fantastic concept. Th  e alternative to renting fi lms was
     in 1917, set in London, and gives an inside look at    to purchase them outright, which at the time was a
     Freemasonry during that period. And demonstrates       very expensive proposition - and how many times do
     why camaraderie was the principle value proposition    you want to watch the same fi lm? But for about the
     for Freemasonry at that time. And demonstrates why     tenth of the purchase price you could rent the fi lm for
     camaraderie was the principal value proposition for    the evening. Th  e whole idea of renting blockbuster
     Freemasonry at that time - not the 'contents' encoded   movies became very popular.
     in the allegory.
                                                              Blockbuster was a global franchise operation, with
       A few signifi cant events had a very negative eff ect  outlets springing up everywhere. At their peak they
     on Freemasonry: the Morgan Aff air in the USA in  had over 9,000 outlets and employed 84,000 people.
     1826, the Nazi regime persecution in Europe, Franco's
     dictatorship in Spain. Fortu-nately, there was enough    Blockbuster was a global franchise operation, with
     underground momentum to reignite Freemasonry in  outlets springing up everywhere. At their peak, they
     these jurisdictions.                                   had over 9,000 outlets and employed 84,000 people.
                                                            We had a Blockbuster in the city where I lived; you
               Th  e general decline started with           simply drove to the store, picked a movie on tape, or
                      the introduction of                   later DVD. Of course, more oft en than not, the latest
                home entertainment products
                                                            releases were not available as they were all being
       In times past, most people would have gone out       rented out; it was more by luck than judgment if you
     to socialize and to get their entertainment. But with   could get the latest fi lm. Nonetheless, they had a large
     the introduction of radio, television, record players,   enough stock, so there was always something else to
     telephone, canned beer, home delivery, etc., more      watch.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 11                                                 Jan/Feb 2021   Volume 97 No. 1
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