Page 25 - Nov Dec 2022 MFMW.indd
P. 25
It is this personal desire to be good that The sordid passions of unworthy For this reason, Freemasonry creates
invokes virtue in a continual warfare ambition, hatred and revenge, should a secret, sacred and holy friendship
against vice. There is no silence, no Ƥ
of its own, controlled and directed by
position of rest, except in the cowardly Ǥ
ơ the moral law, which is written on the
surrender of all that is manly, good no fertility for such passions; they are tablets of eternity. In Freemasonry,
and true. It is this desire for happiness, Ƥ Ǥ friendship is worldwide. It knows no
this longing for a beautiful life, that nationality, no clime, no creed, no
plunges human nature into the sea of Freemasonry, recognizing this fact, profession and no belief, except in
unrest. has, by most impressive symbolic ǡ Ǥ
lessons, taught the Mason to keep
Human nature is ever seeking a higher his passions within due bounds. This Cicero, in speaking of friendship, said,
plane of existence. lesson does not mean that the passions “What can be more delightful than to
Nature itself has made it delightful to are to be destroyed, because they are have one to whom you can speak on all
man to be good, and not so happy to as essential to human happiness as the subjects, just as to yourself.”
him who is not wholly so. nerves, veins, and arteries are essential
to life. How aptly this language describes
It remains, even after the moral life Masonic intercourse!
has been wrecked upon the shoals of As has been beautifully said,
vice, sometimes to re-assert itself in “The passions are the gales that swell Man naturally longs for a closer union
the stings and pangs of self-accusing our mental bark as it sails over the with his fellow than that which could
conscience. Ǥ ǡ be called ordinary and creates a more
are engines of high importance and permanent identity of interest and a
ơ mighty power.” more intense reciprocation of feeling.
Ƥ Kept within due bounds, they are the Temperance, fortitude, prudence and
at once to the true dignity of ideal fountains of benevolence, the springs justice, these principles should ever he
manhood, erect and proud in the of joy and life, “left loose and at kept in view in the daily transactions of
consciousness of perfect purity and random, they distract and ruin us.” life.
uprightness of character?
It is this injunction concerning the They lead to happiness and usefulness,
Ideal manhood is the goal of control of the passions and the unity here & now, and to a bright immortality
Freemasonry. of Masonic aspiration, which keeps hereafter.
discord out of the beautiful Temple of
It is the star of our hope, the beacon Masonry. No man can lay up a store of happiness
light upon the shore, to the mariner and utility here or hereafter without
Mason tossed hither and thither upon Here, then, is the strength of our adhering to these principles. It is for
the ocean of life. Fraternity. these reasons that Freemasonry has
But while the principles of our The man who enters the portals of world. It must necessarily have had a
Institution are founded upon the the Masonic Temple, has a right to ơ
immutable moral law, and the expect that he is seeking a place where and reformation of society. Born in the
aspirations of our natures reach out he will be free from the dissensions past, when caste and rank marked the
toward this grand ideality of perfect and the struggles of life, begotten divisions among men, its work was to
manhood, our philosophy and history by uncontrolled passions. Here let cause them to meet upon the common
teach us that we have a rough and Ƥ ǡ level of true manhood and to eradicate
rugged road to travel, beset with many shelter of an Institution that has been from their hearts the warring, envy,
the shadow of rest to many of earth’s jealousy and strife of creed and clan.
and observation have shown us that noblest minds.
many go faint and weary by the way. But we should all have more Masonic
Ƥ education; Its cardinal principals, in
Recognizing, as Freemasonry does, free from the factious opposition of all their bearings, should be better
Ƥ the world, where no contention should understood and more thoroughly
mutual dependence of one upon the exist, “but rather a nobler emulation of impressed. In order to properly
other, through the varying vicissitudes who best can work and best agree.” appreciate our noble Institution,
ǡ ƥ
and to awaken within ourselves that
justice and mercy, require its members It is thus that men are brought enthusiasm it deserves, there must
aid, sustain and uplift each other together by Freemasonry, into the be thorough education, not only in its
by their mutual pursuit of this ideal closest and holiest bonds of friendship ritual, but in its philosophy and history.
manhood. – a friendship stripped of the false
ƪǡ Someone has said that Masonic
In this pursuit by Freemasons, nothing cloak of hypocrisy. intelligence is the key to the prosperity
should distract their attention from Wealth, station, and rank yet rule the and perpetuity of Freemasonry. It has
the common goal. world. also been said by another, that,