Page 13 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
P. 13


     MASONIC ADVANCEMENT                                                         Andrew U. Hammer
                                                                                 Deputy Grand Lecturer & Grand Historian
                                                                                 Grand Lodge District of Columbia

    The approaching end of a Masonic year always directs       Has  each  offi  cer  done  what  he  needs  to  do  to  merit
    the minds of brethren to consider the expected changes     being elected to the next position in the lodge? It may
    in leadership that take place in a lodge. The question of   surprise some brothers to learn that this question is not
    “moving up through the chairs” is well-known to us all;    open-ended, but rather at the very core of speculative
    every lodge informs its brethren of the requirements       Freemasonry. It is explicitly stated in the Constitutions of
    to become Master, and occasionally, jovial reference       Free-Masons, more commonly referred to as Anderson’s
    are  made  to  how  and  when  a  brother  will  fulfi ll  those   Constitutions, published in 1723. In the Charges of
    requirements.  However,  what  we  do  not  often  ask     a  Free-Mason,  Section  IV  addresses  the  manner  of
    ourselves is what Masonry itself teaches us about the      advancement, and is unambiguous:
    qualities and expectations of those who are elected
    to hold offi  ce in a lodge. Here we are not talking only     All preferment among Masons is grounded upon real
    about the code of any one grand lodge, but about what         Worth and personal Merit only; that so the Lords may
    Freemasonry has taught-for at least 300 years-about the       be well served, the Brethren not put to shame, nor the
    nature of being advanced through the offi  ces of a lodge.    Royal Craft  espied: Therefore n0 Master or Warden is
                                                                  chosen by Seniority, but for his Merit. It is impossible
    The acceptance of a so-called “progressive line”, where       to describe these things in Writing, and every Brother
    a brother simply moves up each year to the next position      must attend in his Place, and learn them in a Way
    because he occupied the previous on, has become so            peculiar to this Fraternity.
    commonplace  throughout  the  Craft  that  one  would
    assume that it is the prescribed method of operation.       There is no room for interpretation here. Seniority, or
    One even hears brothers say things such as “we use the     one’s  present place in the line, means nothing in the
    progressive line”, as if it is a working tool of the fraternity.   matter of advancement. Merit is the only place in the
    Nothing could be further from the truth. The use of        historical writings of the Craft where this principle is
    this practice as a general principle, while it may seem    stated. The primacy of merit is abundantly expressed;
    sensible, or even “fair” to some, has arguably done more   space simply does not permit a comprehensive account
    harm than good to the Craft, because as is so common in    to be given here.
    human nature, the focus is placed on the expected
    human nature, the focus is placed on the expected
                                                                          Naturally, when one puts forth the idea that
    outcome rather than everything else that                              Naturally, when one puts forth the idea that
    outcome rather than everything else that
                                                                             lodges should always conform to this
    is expected from the brother in order to
    is expected from the brother in order to                                 lodges should always conform to this
                                                                               standard of selection, there will be others
    achieve it.                                                                standard of selection, there will be others
                                                                                who say, well, what about the brother
                                                                                who say, well, what about the brother
    Lodges become assembly lines,                                                who is jumped over, or held back?
    with men moving through the                                                  Fortunately, Masonry comes to the
    chairs without understanding the                                             rescue again, and gives us instructions
    signifi cance of any of the offi  ces they                                   on exactly how to deal with that. We
    occupy, merely focusing on becoming                                          would not have such instructions unless
                                                                                the situation was expected to occur.
    Master of the lodge, without ever having
    Master of the lodge, without ever having                                    the situation was expected to occur. And
                                                                              each of us hears those instructions every
    understood what responsibilities fall upon
    understood what responsibilities fall upon                                each of us hears those instructions every
                                                                           year, at the installation ceremony in every
    such an offi  ce, and how to carry them out.
    such an offi  ce, and how to carry them out.                           year, at the installation ceremony in every
    Before the reader prepares to argue with such an
    Before the reader prepares to argue with such an                   lodge.
    assessment, please understand that it also paraphrases
    William Preston’s comment on the same subject, from        The following familiar words, from the Charge to the
    250  years ago. The issue has been with us from the        Brethren, date back to the 18th century:
    beginning.                                                    Such is the nature of our Constitution that as some
                                                                  must  of necessity, rule and teach, so others must
    What becomes lost in a lodge that constructs as conveyor      submit and obey. Humility, in both, is an essential
    belt towards the Oriental Chair is the question of merit.     duty. The offi  cers who are appointed to govern your

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 13                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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