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Grand Lodge Committees 2015-2016

Bulletin & Publication (5020 E-1 & 5150)
R.W. Brian J. Murphy- Chairman              
R.W. Reid L. Gardiner
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III    
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson 
R.W. Jeff Harada

Chartered Lodges and Lodges UD (4020 A-2)
This Committee will be appointed before or at Grand Lodge, if needed.

Credentials (5020 C-1)
Wor. Blake Gardiner, Chairman
Wor. Richard L. Judge
Wor. John R. Davis      
Wor. Tan Q. Nguyen    
Wor. Colton C. Moran    
Wor. John S. Thompson

Education & Research (5020 A-3)
Jack Levitt, Chairman
M.W. William L. Alexander II   
Wor. Robert M. Kampfer  
M.W. Thomas L. Lund     
Wor. Charles W. Rubich
Wor. Jim E. Trowbridge

Executive (5030)
M.W. Brian J. Murphy, Chairman
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson        
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III
R.W. Jeff Harada  
R.W. Reid L. Gardiner
R.W. Bruce Lahti      
M.W. Donald Cerovski      

Finance (5020 G & 5080)
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III, Chairman
R.W. Bruce Lahti,Vice-Chairman               
M.W. Brian J. Murphy
Wor. Ronald J. Hopkins
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson
Bro. David R. Foscue
Wor. Lewie Fletcher
R.W. Jeff Harada
Bro. Lynn S. Perkins

Insurance (5130)
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson Insurance (5130) - Chairman
Wor. Mark H. Roemer
Wor. Dwight A. Robins

Investments (Finance Sub Committee) (5080 E)
R.W. Bruce W. Lahti, Chairman
Wor. Ronald J. Hopkins
Bro. Lynn S. Perkins
Bro. Lucas A. Brown
Wor. Donald A. Garberg

Jurisprudence (5020 B-1 & 5070) 
Wor. John T. Davis, Chairman
Wor. James C. Axelson
Wor. Wade H. Riden
M.W. Thomas W. Chisholm
R.W. Donald R. Slaybaugh

Local Arrangements – 150th Communication (5130)
R.W. Reid Gardiner, Chairman
Wor. George R. Lane
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III
Wor. Samuel H. Whitehead

Masonic Hall of Fame (10030) 
David R. Dunbar, Custodian
Wor. Lewie Fletcher
Wor. Clifford D. Brophy
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III
Wor. John S. Thompson
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson

Masonic Home (4020 B-1)   
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III, Chairman
Wor. Frank Noble           
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson
Bro. Lucas A. Brown
Wor. Michael Wainwright

Masonic Honors (5020 D-1 & 5140)
M.W. Brian J. Murphy, Chairman
M.W. Donald S. Cerovski
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III
R.W. Gerald L. Anderson
R.W. Jeff Harada

Masonic Practices (5020 H-1 & 5040)
Wor. Lewie Fletcher, Chairman (155)
Wor. Alan T. Frohberg
Wor. Frank Noble
Wor. Daniel J. Gardiner
Wor. Clifford D. Brophy
Wor. David R. Dunbar
Wor. C. Doug Frank
Wor. Gary J. Long
Wor. Lance C. Lusby
Wor. Moe Rademacher
Wor. E. Wm. Murphy

Recognition (5130) 
Thomas E. Valente, Chairman
Wor. David R. Dunbar
R.W. Jeff Harada
Bro. Bradford Y. McGann

Work (5020 A-2 & 5090)    
Wor. E. Wm. Murphy, Chairman
Wor. Frank Noble
Wor. Johnathon L. Dahlquist
Wor. Alan T. Frohberg
Wor. Gary J. Long

Youth Groups (5020 A-1, 5050)
Bro. Daniel E. Massey, Chairman (105,3)
Wor. Samuel H. Whitehead
R.W. Bruce Lahti
Wor. Moe Rademacher
Wor. Dwaine Selk

Membership Enrichment (5020 I-1, 5171)
R.W. Jeff Harada, Chairman
Bro. William E. Murphy
Wor. John D. Heston
Wor. Alan McCurry
Wor. Michael R. Sims

Masonic Organization Teamwork (5020 J-1, 5172)
R.W. Lewis K. Smith III, Chairman
Wor. Keith A. Head
M.W. David L. Nielsen
Bro. F. Scott Robinson